Macross 30: Tour of Planet Ouroboros
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This article acts as a tour of the first planet and offers beginner’s tips for Macross 30.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Jul 9, 20186 min
Points of Importance About Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
After nearly a year of silence, the international Ace Combat community is buzzing with theories, hopes and new concerns about Ace Combat 7.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Jul 9, 20184 min
Review: Japanese Otaku City R/C Flight
Japanese Otaku City R/C Flight shows that Project ICKX knows how to have some simple fun.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Jun 8, 20184 min
Interview with Costin Benescu, Ace Combat Northern Wings Game Vehicle Artist
With fans now able to play Ace Combat: Northern Wings via emulation, we reached out to Game Vehicle Artist, Costin Benescu for an interview.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Apr 7, 20186 min
Interview with JianDaoXiao of Ace Combat Models, Designer of Printable Ace Combat Vehicles
Since 2006, JDX has been one of the few people within the Ace Combat community that creates their own models.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Mar 28, 20184 min
Thin Ace Combat 7 Assault Records
The Assault Records of Ace Combat 7 are more like a trophy case than a library of data entries.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Mar 23, 20186 min
Real Flight Controls in Macross Games
Real Flight Controls bring flight shooter style controls and handling to Macross games when piloting Variable Fighters in Fighter Mode.
Santiago "Cubeboy" Cuberos
Mar 19, 201810 min
An Overview of the Flanker Family in Ace Combat
An article which focuses on all variants of the Sukhoi Flanker family of aircraft as portrayed in the Ace Combat series.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Mar 11, 20187 min
Hardpoint: SOD in Ace Combat
This analysis article presents information about the SOD in Ace Combat, including detailed deployment notes.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Nov 11, 20177 min
Hardpoint: ECMP in Ace Combat
October 21st, 2004. For the first time, players could equip a special weapon known as the Electronic Counter Measure Pod (ECMP).
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Nov 11, 20179 min
Strangereal Study: The Hidden Power Behind the Estovakian Civil War
The traces of a hidden power behind the end of the Estovakian civil war can be found in translated in-universe materials.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Nov 10, 20176 min
Hardpoint: Electronic Countermeasures in Ace Combat
The ultimate form of ECM in the Ace Combat series would come with the release of Ace Combat 5: player controlled ECM Pods.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Nov 10, 20177 min
Strangereal Study: The Estovakian Civil War
The Estovakian Civil War is one of a few conflicts that is not featured as a playable part of any game within the Ace Combat series.
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
Nov 9, 20178 min
Interview: Team Nemo, One Year Anniversary of English Patch Release
It has been two years since the last interview with Team Nemo was done by Team Nemo is the group behind the English...
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza
May 15, 20156 min
2015 Interview with Team Nemo: Checking in with the Ace Combat 3 Fan Translation Group
An interview with the group behind the only on going multi-year translation project in the Ace Combat Community.