It is a Weird Time to be a DCS World Fan
It is clear that the current situation within DCS World, its community and developers is a bit weird. It is the first time in years that, even after seeing all of these announcements made during the annual "202X and Beyond" video, I have not felt excitement for anything showcased during its run. Quite the opposite, I feel worried about the future of DCS. I should feel excited, shouldn't I? We got confirmation on the full fidelity F-15C module, a lot of teaser content on the dynamic campaign mode and more awesome video of upcoming modules like the Eurofighter, Hellcat, Super Saber, etc. These are reasons to be excited, things to look forward to, but yet, here I am. Unenthusiastic and Stoic about it all. The elephant in the room, at least to me, was the announcement of the full-fidelity F-35A module by Eagle Dynamics. This is an aircraft I never expected to be introduced to DCS in any official manner, hell, it is the butt of the joke for the modding community because of how many teams have tried making it. To say the F-35 is a challenge to tackle would be an understatement. Why start development of two new, complex modules on top of the pile of already unfinished, early access ones that are available for purchase right now? I understand that these are not being worked on by the same teams, but it does feel like they are spreading their resources a bit too thin between all of these projects. Additionally, the classified nature of this bird means that there will most likely be no official exchange of information between the USAF/Lockheed Martin and ED, even less any sort of sharing of information regarding its specific systems and the inner workings of the aircraft. The developers clarified that it will be made with publicly available information on the aircraft from trade shows and SME feedback. My main gripe with the DCS F-35A is that they are calling it a "full-fidelity" module. In the past, the term "full-fidelity" meant that the aircraft was modeled as close as possible to the real one, including most if not all of its systems modeled (ITAR allowing) within a fully realized clickable cockpit. Something like that is more than understandable for old Cold War aircraft and legacy 4th generation fighters like the F-15C. But calling this F-35A "full-fidelity" is misleading for the users.
Full fidelity shouldn't just mean clickable and with systems made through OSINT. Were it to be marketed as "Clickable" or anything along those lines, I would not mind in the slightest. But it cannot be compared to aircraft like Heatblur's magnificent F-4E, or Polychop's unfortunate miracle, the OH-58D.
Speaking of Polychop, it is very unfortunate that most of its labor force seems to have resigned or been fired. Most details are unknown but from comments made by known developers such as Kinkku, with whom I worked with on the DCS UH-60L mod, we can infer that some of the most talented people over at the studio have left.
This situation is an internal one within Polychop themselves, and does not seem to be related to anything done by ED, nor does it have relation with the other elephant in the room: the RAZBAM situation. Both ED and RAZBAM have made contradictory statements regarding the status of the ongoing debacle both entities have, and about the future of RAZBAM's modules in DCS. ED's community managers have stated that they could take over and maintain the modules even after a hypothetical departure from the developer. RAZBAM denies that claim, as seen on the screencap below. Comment made by ED's Community Manager, NineLine, on the forums. Official comment by RAZBAM on their Discord server. It has now been almost a year since this situatiuon began, and most members of the community are tired of seeing both sides contradict each other in public statements. MY HOPES So, what now? Am I going to stop playing DCS just because the water's muddy and the future is not looking as bright as it could? No, I am not. I will still play it, but I won't be the faithful supporter that I used to be. Let's see where this year takes us, who knows? Things could improve. I will just be here for the ride, and I will make sure to share my opinions on future DCS happenings here at Skyward. Fly High, Fly Safe.
About the Author Santiago "Cubeboy" Cuberos Longtime aviation fanatic with particular preference towards military aviation and its history. Said interests date back to the early 2000s, leading into his livelong dive into civil and combat flight simulators. He has been involved in a few communities, but only started being active around the mid 2010s. Joined as a Spanish to English translator in 2017, he has been active as a writer and the co-founder of Skyward ever since. Twitter | Discord : Cubeboy