Review: DCS MiG-19P Farmer-B by RAZBAM Simulations
It has already been a couple of years since RAZBAM introduced their second-generation soviet fighter, the MiG-19P "Farmer-B". This module opened a new era of aviation for DCS and, at the same time, gave the redfor players another clickable aircraft to use. This is something that DCS desperately needed, and still does to a certain degree. Despite falling into a niche, it is clear that the Farmer is a module that has only become more important as time passes; especially after announcements such as the upcoming F-100 Super Sabre by Grinnelli Designs, Heatblur's F-4E Phantom II and even the A-7E Corsair II by FlyingIron Simulations. These aircraft being included in the game give the MiG-19 an ecosystem to live amongst, which gives it purpose. Today, let's take a look at this soviet deathtrap and all of its quirks and features to see if it is a fit for you and your playstyle. As per usual, I will be separating this review in several parts: External and internal 3D models Visual effects and sound design Flight modeling Mission capability Armament Its Place in the DCS Ecosystem Is this aircraft for you? EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL 3D MODELS Visually, the external model and its mesh seem to still hold up to current DCS standards, but just barely. With new quality standards being set by Heatblur and even RAZBAM themselves, the MiG-19P starts looking a bit old, but not in a bad way. In my opinion, as someone that also works as a 3D modeler and texture artist, it is clear that this look is a product of the ever-changing shaders and lighting of DCS World's graphical engine: EDGE. This model was made in 2019, and the textures were adjusted for the functionality and features of EDGE at the time. A slight overhaul of the normalmaps, and some tweaks to the diffuses and roughmets, would be enough to get it to look much better with DCS' current lighting and lighting environment. As for the cockpit, this module feels more dated than it should, but I cannot figure out exactly why. It could be the excessive weathering on some surfaces, the way that the weathering was done, or even the roughmets and the way that they affect the exaggerated color of the instruments themselves. I would also like to emphasize something: this cockpit is still an amazing piece of work. It looks accurate to the few pictures I've seen of the Farmer's office. The module also includes translated versions of its cockpit textures for ease of use. If you struggle with Russian labels, then just switch the cockpit textures to the English one! VISUAL EFFECTS AND SOUND DESIGN This is an area in which this module seems to be severely lacking. There is a noticeable absence of special effects under high-AoA or high-G scenarios, at least as much as I have been able to see during my time with the module. The afterburner effect looks as awesome as any other module's, but I cannot help to notice that the mach diamonds appear to be too clean for what I've seen of soviet engines of the era.
The flame should look dirtier and messy, since these are some of the first mass-produced engines to ever have afterburners installed to them. This is an effect that is much more evident on Magnitude 3's MiG-21Bis module , as its flame is much more wild and erratic. Sound-wise, this module has a unique environment inside the cockpit itself. The engine whine is evident going from idle to full power, but the afterburners have little to no sound effects to indicate their status. In other modules, engaging the afterburners has a significant aural signature for the pilot, which lets them know the state of their engines.
Audio replaces a lot of the feedback that you would normally have while flying a real plane, making it one of, if not the most important aspect of a module for the pilot. I think that RAZBAM could overhaul the sound to improve the piloting experience. FLIGHT MODELING DISCLAIMER: This is always a tough category, as like with any other aircraft, there is a lot to take into consideration other than just the feel of the flight model. This category is the most subjective one in this article, as I do not have any real world experience with this craft. I will only base my opinion on practical experience and knowledge of practical aerodynamics and the theoretical behavior that a MiG-19P should have under certain scenarios. With that out of the way, the best way I have to describe the feel of flying a MiG-19 is that it flies how it looks. It feels like a heavier, faster and more unstable MiG-15, which means that it can be a deadly fighter when flown by a skilled pilot. That is this what I will emphasize, the Farmer does not feel like a rookie-friendly fighter. It is something that became more and more apparent the more I flew it. It is an aircraft that will demand a bit more from the pilot, specially at lower speeds and high AoA scenarios. The high angle wing sweep of this aircraft makes it a bit of a handful, but that only adds to the experience of feeling like you are strapped to a soviet deathtrap. Dogfighting with this machine is a great experience, specially if you know how to handle your speed. It will not beat any modern aircraft in a 1v1 scenario, but you stand a chance against older foes if those pilots make a mistake or two. You are still an early supersonic jet, after all, your wings are a compromise from a time in which supersonic flight was not well understood. MISSION CAPABILITIES You will not be able to do any multirole in this airframe, at least not in the modern understanding of the word. This aircraft is primarily a fighter, through and through, with its air to ground role being more of an afterthought than anything else.
This aircraft was also one of the primary interceptors for the Soviet Union when it became operational, something that reflects a lot in its all-weather capabilities. It is technically capable of all-weather, day-and-night interception of bombers, but that is only with the help of GCI (Ground Control Intercept) and by relying on its weak radar. This was typical of fighters of the era, be them Soviet or American.
Just do not expect this to be a MiG-21, and you will be pleasantly surprised. ARMAMENT 2X NR-30 30MM AUTOCANNON This is your primary armament for both air-to-air and air-to-ground. With 75 rounds per wing, for a total of 150 rounds, you will need to make your shots count! 2X R-3S AIR TO AIR MISSILES These missiles are the Soviet reverse engineered version of the original AIM-9B. They are useful against non-maneuvering targets, but if you try using them at anything pulling any minimal amount of Gs you will not hit them. ROCKETS These rocket pods equipped with S-5 rockets feel a bit weak. As I said earlier, the air to ground capability feels tacked-in as an afterthought. They will still destroy lightly armored targets, so yeah, use them only for that. BOMBS With only a couple of types of bombs available and no way to properly guide them on target, you should only do this if the mission mandates it and you are the only aircraft available! ITS PLACE IN THE DCS ECOSYSTEM The MiG-19P falls on a very weird place in DCS, at least at the time of writing. It has no counterpart and, aside from its use in historical scenarios or Cold War servers such as Enigma's, this module seems to lack a purpose for its existence. Many of its historical rivals are not currently in the game, but many of them are being developed. As stated during the introduction, the Farmer stood alone at the time of its release. It felt like a cowboy living in the city, a fish out of water that kind of fit, but not as smoothly as one would have hoped.
As time passes and more aircraft get added, it is evident that the times of the Farmer not having a home are long gone. The F-4E's release is fast approaching, and work continues on the F-100. These two modules alone give the MiG-19 more than enough competition in the skies, making it a module worthy for any redfor player. IS THIS AIRCRAFT FOR YOU?
If what you want in a module is: Feeling like you are strapped to a flying coffin. Having a blast destroying early NATO fighters Having to toggle your afterburner manually Experiencing early Soviet designs. If you don't mind: Having to toggle your afterburner manually. Not having any BVR weaponry. A less than desirable radar. Very limited air to ground weaponry. If all or some of the above is what you want, then the MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations is for you! About the writer: Santiago "Cubeboy" Cuberos Longtime aviation fanatic with particular preference towards military aviation and its history. Said interests date back to the early 2000s, leading into his livelong dive into civil and combat flight simulators. He has been involved in a few communities, but only started being active around the mid 2010s. Joined as a Spanish to English translator in 2017, he has been active as the co-founder and writer ever since. Twitter | Discord : Cubeboy