Sponsored VRC Aviation Tournament, New Staff, Website Updates and More
Black Aces May 2022 2v2 Dogfight Tournament Sponsored by Skyward Flight Media In a first for VRChat aviation , Skyward Flight Media is sponsoring a event hosted by the VRC Black Aces ; the largest VRC aviation community known for their airshows and tournaments. On May 21st and May 28th, 2022 starting at 9:00 PM CST each day, the Black Aces are hosting a guns only 2v2 Dogfight Tournament featuring the F/A-18F Block III Super Hornet. Skyward Flight Media is sponsoring the event, providing a total prize pool of 170.00 USD . The prize pool is being split in the following manner: 100.00 USD for the winning team.
50.00USD for second place.
20.00 USD for third place. For follow on information, signing up to participate, and eventual links to livestreams, see the VRC Black Aces official Discord or Twitter page. While none of the Skyward Flight Media staff will be competing in the tournament, three of them will be flying as a part of the airshow after the first day of the tournament is over. This will be the third airshow they have flown as pilots for. Website Updates Various website updates are being done. Some of the more notable updates include:
Downloads in Blog : For the sake of easier access and having items appear in the search bar, existing downloads have been added to the general content area with appropriate tags applied. Updating Translation Webpages : With Ace Combat: Ikaros in the Sky translations being re-introduced, other existing translation web pages will begin receiving basic updates in May 2022. Where possible, some of them will be converted to blog post if they do not require specialized formatting. Content Tags : we have been actively deleting and combining tags in an effort to simply things and make out tag cloud more manageable. All content on the website has also gradually been receiving tag updates. Because of the volume of articles available, this has been an on going process for weeks. Please excuse any unusual tagging that remains, as it is most likely a work in progress. Mobile Version : Changes to menus in the mobile version of the website is in progress. Certain links may be deleted or replaced with a more effective option. Topic Specific Webpages : Certain popular topics on our website are to receive standalone webpages. Similar to how Flight Arcade and Flight Simulation have webpages of their own. Banners for those pages will begin to appear on the front page and other locations in the near future. Skyward Staff Updates We are making changes and additions to our content creation staff in May 2022. Some of these are already starting to appear on our About page. The two most notable changes are the addition of two staff members who have always flown with us and assisted us in some way, so this is more of a formal acknowledgement: RaptorDad86 Life long aviation and aviation gaming enthusiast. Joined Active Duty Air Force in 2009 as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer. Separated in 2015 and decided to become a Reservist in 2020. Participated in the GGL Ace Combat 6 Tournament winning the Military side and placing 3rd in the Battle Royal. Started playing DCS in 2020 and made the jump to competition in late 2021 flying for the 18th Sparrows and now the Bushido Fighter Group. As of 2022, he is a photographer for Skyward who provides screenshots and video. Instagram | Twitter | Twitch KOSMOS 1 A friend of some of Skyward's staff going back to 2009. Since Skyward was founded in 2020, he has flown in support of its operations in multiple games and simulators as a member of our flight team. Whether it's part of research projects, combat missions, photo ops or even airshows, he's ready to fly. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of our operations. Regards, Skyward Flight Media Staff